The Message to Man Film Festival team is bereaved by the passing of our dear colleague and friend Alexei Medvedev. It is a tremendous loss for us and the work we do.

Knowledgeable and passionate about cinema, Alexei was a professional of exceptional kind. He was the heart and soul of the Festival, treating it like a beloved child in need of nurturing, patient and caring upbringing.

Beyond our work relationships, Alexei shared a deep human connection with us. It is especially saddening now to realize that this connection has been severed forever. Alexei was distinguished by his passionate nature; his enthusiasm and temperament were boundless. While he could be harsh and subjective, it was ultimately these qualities that made him loved and appreciated. He was truly one of a kind – distinct, unique, complex, and an immensely vibrant, talented person.

He was uncompromising, and he keenly felt the pain of others. Alexei was one of those rare individuals who, following the words of Solzhenitsyn, lived not by lies but by conscience. This path is never easy, and at times, almost unbearable.

We currently have limited reliable information about his passing, but knowing Alexei, one may speculate that he and death roamed close by. Now they have encountered each other. Alas, much too soon.

We hold fond memories of Alexei and extend our heartfelt condolences to Natasha Pylaeva, our colleague, the curator of Message to Man, Alexei’s wife, and the mother of their daughter Rada.

Team of the Message to Man Film Festival