Application Deadline for Message to Man 2024 Extended

The application deadline for this year’s Message to Man competition is extended to July 15, 2024. The Festival will be held in St. Petersburg from October 18 to October 27.

Filmmakers have the opportunity to submit their works to one of the three competition sections: International, National, and the In Silico Experimental Film Competition.

“There’s no such thing as too much good cinema. The Message to Man’s programming team is on a constant, exciting search for it. That’s why we have decided to continue accepting submissions for all competition sections for two more weeks. It is a short period, but it gives you, our dear filmmakers, enough time to send us your great work, if you haven’t already done so. We look forward to it!” 

Programme Director of the Message to Man Festival
Mikhail Ratgauz

The Festival’s jury will be evaluating films in the following categories:

  • Golden Centaur Grand Prix with a cash prize of RUB 250,000 for Best Film: awarded by the International Competition jury;
  • Three special Centaur prizes with a cash prize of RUB 80,000 each: awarded by the International Competition jury;
  • Special Centaur prize with a cash prize of RUB 50,000 for Best Documentary Film of the National Competition: awarded by the National Competition jury;
  • Jury’s special Centaur prize with a cash prize of RUB 30,000 (with explanatory wording for a film in the National Competition): awarded by the National Competition jury;
  • Centaur Prize of the Jury in the In Silico Experimental Film Competition with a cash prize of RUB 80,000 for Best Experimental Film.

Applications for competitive selection can be submitted via:

The deadline for applications is July 15, 2024; films produced in 2024 may be submitted as rough cuts.

Submitting an application for the National Competition is free. For the In Silico Experimental Film Competition, a fee of EUR 5 (or RUB 500) is required.

For more information:
Valeria Burgucheva | PR director |