A documentary animation based on the diary of Tatyana Vnukevich-Bagdasaryan, who lived in a psychoneurological institution until she was 35.
The film is made up of several novellas: “Brush”, “Medication”, “A Walk”, “Tea” and gives the viewer the opportunity to get a glimpse inside a psychoneurological institution and witness the clash between the “little man” and the system.
About the director:
Maria Kogan-Lerner was born in Moscow in 1983 to an architect mother and geologist father. After school she was preparing to go to the Moscow Architectural Institute, but then had second thoughts and decided to study animation at Lyceum No. 333, graduating in 2002. She is a volunteer at the Centre for Curative Pedagogy, and an artist and animator at Studio 25. She also heads the animation workshop for Lukovitsa i Eskalator, a creative project for people with experience of life in a psychoneurological institution.