The incredible life story of a Soviet soldier who was captured by the Nazis during WWII. His daughter Sana searches the past to understand her silent father. As she accompanies Sana in her journey, the filmmaker excavates film archives, to find traces of those millions of Soviet soldiers, who fell victim of war. Through the technique of ‘re-appropriating the archive’, the filmmaker searches for the soul of the image, for those subtle remnants of those millions who were omitted from the narrative of the war. Softly, but determinately the film starts breaking sixty years of silence.
About the director:
Алена ван дер Хорст. Классик голландского документального кино. Изучала русскую литературу в Университете Амстердама и режиссуру в Нидерландской киноакадемии. Ее ленты Дама в белой шляпе (1997), После весны. История о любви (2001), Жители Эрмитажа (2004), Голоса БАМа (2006), Борис Рыжий (2008), Водные дети (2011), Любовь – это картошка (2017) участвовали в ведущих мировых смотрах и завоевали множество наград, в т. ч. премию Нидерландской киноакадемии, призы IDFA, DOXA, DOK Leipzig, Артдокфеста, Трайбеки, Эдинбурга, Монреаля.