The once green Nogaiskaya steppe in northern Dagestan is turning into desert. Gulfira, a simple village woman, is fighting the environmental catastrophe that has befallen her native land in her own way. Every year, the team she leads heads into the new desert for several months. Covering many kilometresevery day, they stick slender saplings into the dry sand in the hope that the shrub will take root and halt the sand. Will Gulfira win this battle against the elements? Will the Nogai people and land be able to hold out?
About the director:
Tatyana Soboleva
Director, producer. Born in Moscow, she studied feature and documentary film direction at the Institute of Modern Art (under Valery Rubinchik) and at the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography. She has made over 20 documentary films, which have been screened at festivals around the world and in Russia: the Moscow IFF, Mar del Plata, Tampere, Flahertiana (Perm), Stalker (Moscow and other cities), Saratovskiye Stradaniya (Saratov). She has twice been nominated for the Lavr national prize. Her film Siberian Floating Hospital won a diploma at the 2015 Message to Man Film Festival.