On the very shore of the sea there once lived an old man and his wife, and the old man had three sons. The eldest son loved the sea, but it punished him for his insolence. The middle son used to talk to the sea, but it stopped answering him. The younger son was swallowed up by the sea, which took him with it.
After many long years of wandering, the three brothers reunite on their native island of Sakhalin to restore the connections they lost and finally say farewell to their sea.
About the director:
Sergei Kan
Director. Born in 2000 in Moscow, he is currently a fifth-year student in Andrei Osipov and Tatyana Yurina’sdocumentary film workshop at the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography. He has worked as a director and cameraman on live broadcasts, and as an art director on commercial video projects. Farewell, My Sea is his debut film.