The film “Andrey Konchalovsky’s Cinema Odyssey” is a tribute to the creative path of one of our outstanding contemporaries, Andrey Konchalovsky, spanning from his debut film, “The Boy and the Dove”, which was immediately invited to the Venice International Film Festival, to the present day. The documentary features notable figures who starred in the master’s films, from Sergei Shakurov to Tom Holtz, from Inna Churikova to Irina Kupchenko. Dividing his work into ‘periods’ — classical, American, and the perestroika era — Konchalovsky, with the help of the cinema, embarks on a cinematic journey akin to Odysseus, ultimately returning to his own ‘Penelope’: Moscow.
About the director:
Sergey Sholohov. Journalist and TV presenter, holding a Ph.D. in History of Arts. Born in 1958. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the Leningrad State University and completed his graduate studies at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts. Since 1987, authored and presented the LenTV show “Pyatoe Koleso”. Since 1992, authored and presented the TV show about cinema and film festivals “Tikhiy Dom” on the Rossiya TV channel; from 1998 to 2018 the programme was broadcast on Channel One. Since 2018 to the present, serves as General Director of the Petersburg-Culture studio. Directed more than 15 documentaries aired on Channel One, Culture Channel, TV Saint Petersburg. Authored more than 300 articles for “Moscow News”, “Vedomosti” and “Argumenty Nedeli” newspapers.