This experimental documentary follows a group of hikers through Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The team is in search of the Porcupine Caribou herd in hopes of collecting stories that could help push back on oil exploration and drilling on the caribou’s birthing grounds. The narrator, admitting to a perverse desire to be close to everything, wants nothing more than to spoon a caribou.
The film uses documentary footage of the two-week expedition intercut with experimental vignettes — exercises, to rethink our relationship to the land and animals we hope to protect.
About the director:
Krista Davis is a visual artist and filmmaker based in Yukon, Canada. Through video, animation, performance, and installation, she looks for creative and sometimes fantastical strategies to shift human and non-human relationships towards a more ecologically just world.
Davis’ work has been presented in galleries and at festivals internationally. She is a collaborator with a number of queer and ecological projects, and co-founded the OUTeast Queer Film Festival in Halifax Nova Scotia. Davis received her BFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and MFA from Arizona State University.